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🔥 Help Critical Moves Conquer the Algorithm!
Alright, folks, let’s talk strategy – not just in games, but in growing Critical Moves. We put a lot of time into the podcast, and we know some of you enjoy the discussions, the deep dives, and the occasional rant. If you want to see Critical Moves keep going strong (and maybe even expand), the best way to help is simple: engagement. We need your help to spread the Critical Word. You can find us on: Twitter / X - Facebook - Instagram Likes, comments, follows, shares - all help please the...
🔥 Special Future Episode Announcement!
Hello everyone, One thing we wanted to do as part of Critical Moves is have special guests appear on our show. It was one of the things which featured as part of our initial concept video released back in September (when Critical Moves was just a fleeting idea!). I was always under the impression that if we - a group of ordinary strategy game fans - could get actual real-life game developers to come and speak to us we would have "made it" as a serious podcast. Fast forward several months...